Angular JS is not just another javascript library but an client side javascript framework developed and maintained by Google. AngularJS brings in a revolution in the field of Single Page Application (SPAs) allowing to write a propered architectured, maintainable and testable client side code. It's ability to bring in the power of MVC framework in client side programning is one of the reason it's being popular these days. As we know good software design has High Cohesion (how well does that one thing stick to do just one thing) and Loose Coupling (least possible dependency of one component on another component)Angular JS offers MVC/MVVM paradigm to create components more flexible and loosely coupled Being an client side framework, Angular JS comprised of HTML, CSS and JavaScript/TypeScript. Angular JS was written in TypeScript because: script with type is typescript and script without type is JavaScript 😂🤣 #devQuotes — ashwin (@AshwinJung) October 22, 201...
How Java is Different from others ?? Unlike other programming language java is compiled and interpreted language. Java IDE acts as a compiler and JVM java virtual machine behave like an interpreter. i.e. when any program let say Hello saved after compiling is in extension and after compiling this file we get Hello.Class extension file is called as class-file, byte-code or intermediate code. Byte-code is not dependent for any specific machine so it is also called as intermediate code. To convert this byte-code into machine code or machine understandable format JVM is used which is different for different operating system. JVM is actually a kind of software used for interpreting purpose hence it is called virtual machine. In Java Programming language, why every program is written inside class? As we Know Java is an Object Oriented programming language so every type of the problem is solved with the representation...